1 Julie Fowlis mit neuer EP Source to Sea und neuen Songs

2 Jahre 7 Monate her #171905 von scoteire
Julie Fowlis bringt am 24. Dezember was neues auf Euren Gabentisch: Die für die Radio- und Podcast-Reihe Source to Sea komponierte digitale EP mit drei Tracks beginnt mit der Single "Silver in the Blue", einem Song, den Julie für Lee Craigie und Jenny Grahams Reise zur COP26 entlang des Flusses Clyde schrieb.
Inspiriert von Reisen auf dem Wasser und den Rhythmen der Natur, sind in diesem besonderen Stück Éamon Doorley, Kris Drever und Euan Burton zu hören.
Ihr könnt die digitale EP (MP3s oder hochauflösende Audiodateien) direkt bei Julie Fowlis erwerben und runterladen auch in höherer Qualität:


Hier nochmal ein Facebook Post von Julie:

These are the three songs I was commissioned to create for the Source to Sea radio and podcast series this year by Tandem Productions following three Scottish river journeys, along the Dee, Tay and Clyde, with inspiring adventurers Lee Craigie and Jenny Graham. It was a joy to work with them on this, and the three tracks feature some truly brilliant musicians.
For the Dee, I worked with my Spell Songs pals Jim Molyneux and Rachel Newton Music alongside the incredible Laura Jane WIlkie to create a river and mountain inspired backdrop for some of Nan Shepherd's poetry (her iconic 'The Hill Burns') part of which I set to music.
For the Tay, it was always going to be a Gaelic song - and I always wanted this particular song to be a collaboration with Charlie Grey and Joseph Peach - two intuitive and particularly expressive musicians - on a reworking of a traditional song called Croabh nan Ubhal or Tree of Apples.
For the last river, the Clyde, Lee and Jenny's journey brought them into the city of Glasgow and into COP26. This last song 'Silver in the Blue' is inspired by nature's patterns and rhythms, and indeed, how they are changing. It's brought to life by Éamon Doorley, Kris Drever and Euan Burton who are just amazing and who put so much energy into it.

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  • Càrn Eige (1183 m SCO)
2 Jahre 7 Monate her #171906 von corsa772
Machair Records Ltd
2,97 GBP
3,65 EUR

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There must be a place
Under the sun
Where hearts of olden glory
Grow young

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