1 Donnie Munro von Schottlands Architekten ausgezeichnet

7 Jahre 4 Monate her - 7 Jahre 4 Monate her #159273 von scoteire
Donnie Munro wurde von der Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland (RIAS) für seine Verdienste in den Bereichen Musik, Bildung, kulturelles Erbe, Entwicklung und Kunst geehrt. Laut dem RIAS sei Dr. Donnie Munro ein besonders "kreativer Schotte" der vor allem auch als Förderer der gälischen Sprache bekannt ist.

Bereits Santiago Calatrava, Lord Foster, Philippe Starck, Dame Evelyn Glennie und Liz Lochhead sowie Ian Rankin wurde diese Ehrung zuteil.
Letzte Änderung: 7 Jahre 4 Monate her von scoteire.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: uwe033360

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7 Jahre 4 Monate her - 7 Jahre 4 Monate her #159274 von scoteire
Zitate von den Reden der Ehrungsfeier:
RIAS President Willie Watt:

“Dr Donnie Munro is a renowned creative Scot. The breadth of his achievement in music, the arts and within academia and as a lobbyist for both the Gaelic language, culture and the communities of Scotland’s Highlands and Islands, is extraordinary and all of it of international note.

Sabhal Mòr Ostaig Principal, Prof Boyd Robertson:

“This is a richly deserved and highly appropriate accolade for Dr Donnie Munro. I am delighted that such an esteemed body as the RIAS has recognised the distinguished contribution he has made to Scottish life and culture in so many spheres. He has been at the forefront of the Gaelic renaissance as lead singer of the celebrated band, Runrig, who did so much to stimulate interest in the language and its cultural riches and in his key developmental role here at Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, the National Centre for Gaelic language and culture, which has played a vital part in reviving the fortunes of the language.
“We are proud and privileged to have Donnie as a member of our Senior Management team and rejoice in this recognition of his lifelong service to the language, cultural heritage, arts, music and education.”

Donnie Munro:

“I am deeply honoured to receive this award from the RIAS and particularly honoured to be placed alongside such an illustrious list of Honorary Fellows, all of whom have contributed enormously to the cultural life of Scotland and beyond. I am particularly pleased that this honour should have been bestowed upon me by the RIAS, in their centenary year. I have been extremely fortunate over recent years, through my development role with Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, to have had the opportunity to work with some really wonderful, creative and innovative architects on a number of iconic and visionary projects and I am very much aware of the great contribution which they make to the cultural, economic, environmental and aesthetic fabric of our lives and to our built heritage and material culture. I am profoundly honoured to be inducted as an Honorary Fellow.”

Letzte Änderung: 7 Jahre 4 Monate her von scoteire.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: uwe033360

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  • Bine SG
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  • Nephin Beg (627 m IRL)
  • Nephin Beg (627 m IRL)
7 Jahre 4 Monate her - 7 Jahre 4 Monate her #159275 von Bine SG
Ich freue mich wirklich sehr für Donnie, die Ehre hat er sich wirklich verdient. :scotland
Allerdings träfe diese Aussage definitiv auch auf Rory und Calum zu !!! :/

Was mich bei formellem Englisch immer wieder völlig fasziniert, ist wie schön es sich anhört wenn ein redegewandter Muttersprachler am Werk war. :-)) :-)) :-))

Und wenn ich hundert Jahre alt würde, und mich täglich ein Muttersprachler in die Mangel nähme: so schön könnte ich das niemals sagen. N.I.E. :oops:
Letzte Änderung: 7 Jahre 4 Monate her von Bine SG.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: scoteire, escadalady

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