1 Bruce Guthro Statement zum Runrig Abschied

5 Jahre 10 Monate her - 5 Jahre 10 Monate her #163581 von scoteire
Bruce Guthro Statement zum Runrig Abschied wurde erstellt von scoteire
Bruce Guthro Statement zum Ende von Runrig, das er heute auf Facebook veröffentlicht hat. Er hat Recht, Interviews vor allem in einer anderen Sprache können einiges verdrehen, deswegen hier mal als Kopie von seiner Page, als Zitat für alle die nicht bei Facebook sind:

Runrig Retirement Questions?

First Of All... It is difficult to do interviews in foreign languages, for both the interviewer and the guests. Sometimes the questions are hard to understand, and the answers don’t translate as well as one might hope.
So here on a day off, I’d like to tackle a few of the question asked in interviews with a little more detail and clarity.

This will be a long one...

I post this here on my personal page, because it is my opinion. Not necessarily the opinion of everyone in the band.
In all interviews, no matter which one of us does them, we try and reflect what we all think as a band, but naturally my opinions are my own... so I hope (for the most case) it will be a fair representation of how we all may feel.

One question that keeps coming up is... What will you all do?

Well, I’m sure that is the one question every band member would answer slightly different. For me…
I’ll get to spend more time at home with family, and thankfully in ‘one time zone’, golf more, write more. I’ll do many things I wanted to do creatively but found extremely difficult when I was on the road constantly, and splitting my brain between two or three careers.

I will continue with my Songwriters Circles, which I love doing so much with my musical friends. I expect I will continue to tour some, but on a much much lighter basis, and on my own timelines... Which will be a refreshing change.

Will I (or any of the band members) come back and tour Europe?

Short answer, yes, I will likely after a break, come back and do some shows.
I suspect you may see all of the individual band members take on individual projects, likely nothing as massive as the Runrig machine, but stuff they still enjoy, and a release for their own individual musical (or other) creativity

What is it about Runrig that the fans love for so long?

I heard Iain Bayne say in one of his interviews something to the effect that, it is in the collective spirit of the band where the real power lies... quite frankly, I couldn’t agree more.

Runrig are an enigma that has baffled the critics for 45 years, never really having massive international hits. Never really breaking wide open with one big song, just steadily building and moving forward with continual solid songwriting that spoke to a sense of place, and purity of heart. Moving forward with a music that was completely unique in sound, and never compromising in integrity.
I can’t speak of the band before my time with them, I never knew the band before my time with them, but I do know how it worked after I joined them 20 years ago... I watched it, and yes, helped reshape it along with the other five, into a whole new machine, a six piece unit that stood as one.
Did we disagree on many things? Of course we did... they say if you’ve never been involved in an argument, you most likely never stood for anything. But we always worked through it, and I’d say 99% of the time the decision in the end was the right one.

But getting back on subject... that magic that leads to the longevity and the connection with fans... That comes together when you put six individuals on stage that bring their own character, their own charisma, their own musicality, their own X-factor … When that all works... and you stand together as one, it creates a potion that is special and undescribable most times. So ultimately, I too believe the true hidden strength of this band’s longevity and ability to connect with its audiences lies in its whole, and not in the individual pieces.
We were never hit makers, but we were solid integral songwriters... We were never dancers (haha) but we gave our heart and soul every time we walked out there... We were never brilliant business men, but we knew it was all about connecting with you the fans... we were never the flavour of the month... but we developed our own flavour that will last for years to come...

So why retire at all?

It is a massive amount of work to stay present and relevant in the music business today. We have done that work for many many years, and with great pride, and with great care for you, the fan base. In return, the fan base has rewarded us with incredible loyalty and support for which we will always be grateful. We owed you ‘The Final Mile’ and ‘The Last Dance’... But there comes a time when you know it’s time, time to relax, to reflect, to enjoy life, and take your life back.

If a band lasts 10 years in the music business today it’s an incredible milestone. This band has lasted 45 years, which is an almost unbelievable feat... and are still strong and very relevant in our markets... and what a perfect way to step out with our heads held high!!!

I honestly believe we have not only the right too, but the obligation to ourselves to relax and enjoy life, and take time to ourselves before it’s too late, (as should everyone of you out there), because it all passes by so quickly...

So with Germany in ‘The Book’ and England and Denmark on the horizon. I look forward (as I’m sure we all do) to seeing your beautiful smiling crying understanding faces as we continue our journey through ‘The Final Mile’ to ‘The Last Dance’ ?... see you all soon.

Quelle: www.facebook.com/bruce.guthro.1/posts/1888196041212298
Letzte Änderung: 5 Jahre 10 Monate her von scoteire.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Silja, uwe033360, corsa772, stefan*und*astrid, Helen Scozia, shortbread, fionarose, celticsoul, Günni, Wolle und 5 andere Leute haben sich zudem bedankt.

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  • shortbread
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  • Beinn Bhrotain (1157 m SCO)
  • Beinn Bhrotain (1157 m SCO)
5 Jahre 10 Monate her - 5 Jahre 10 Monate her #163583 von shortbread
shortbread antwortete auf Bruce Guthro Statement zum Runrig Abschied
Wow! Das nenne ich mal auf den Punkt gebracht, das muss ich noch einige Male lesen ... :)

... as I walk along these shores I am the history within ... (Runrig.Proterra)
Letzte Änderung: 5 Jahre 10 Monate her von shortbread.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Bine SG

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  • Lady of Lochaber
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  • Slieve Foy (589 m IRL)
  • Slieve Foy (589 m IRL)
5 Jahre 10 Monate her #163584 von Lady of Lochaber
Lady of Lochaber antwortete auf Bruce Guthro Statement zum Runrig Abschied
Ok ein Statement.... aber was will Bruce jetzt damit bezwecken? Werden nicht genau jetzt wieder irgendwelche Spekulationen laut?

... no way without you.

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  • shortbread
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  • Beinn Bhrotain (1157 m SCO)
  • Beinn Bhrotain (1157 m SCO)
5 Jahre 10 Monate her #163585 von shortbread
shortbread antwortete auf Bruce Guthro Statement zum Runrig Abschied

Lady of Lochaber schrieb: Ok ein Statement.... aber was will Bruce jetzt damit bezwecken? Werden nicht genau jetzt wieder irgendwelche Spekulationen laut?

Wieso? Er beantwortet die Fragen, die der Band dauernd gestellt werden, in seiner Sprache, damit durch Übersetzung nichts verloren geht. Finde ich glaubhaft und hinterfrage es nicht.

... as I walk along these shores I am the history within ... (Runrig.Proterra)
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: uwe033360

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  • Helen Scozia
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  • Mam Sodhail (1181 m SCO)
  • Mam Sodhail (1181 m SCO)
5 Jahre 10 Monate her #163586 von Helen Scozia
Helen Scozia antwortete auf Bruce Guthro Statement zum Runrig Abschied
Sehr interessant zu lesen, wenngleich wenig überraschend! ;-) Natürlich gibt es für die Bandmitglieder auch ein Leben neben Runrig und Träume & Ziele, die sich damit schwer vereinbaren lassen. Aber eigentlich will man ja immer das, was man nicht hat und wie heißt es so schön "überlege dir gut, was du dir wünschst, es könnte in Erfüllung gehen!" :-Y Von daher befürchte ich jetzt auch nicht, dass man nach dem Ende von Runrig von den Sechsen gar nichts mehr liest oder hört, da sie ihre Kreativität auch weiter ausleben werden und zumindest Bruce wird noch touren, vielleicht auch Brian oder Malcolm und neue Songs könnte ich mir auch gut vorstellen. Halt nicht von Runrig als Studioalbum. :) Na klar geht eine wunderbare Zeit zu Ende, aber es wird eine andere kommen, daran glaube ich ganz fest! :scotland
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: shortbread, Manxie, Wolle, OldLockKeeper

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  • Helen Scozia
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  • Mam Sodhail (1181 m SCO)
  • Mam Sodhail (1181 m SCO)
5 Jahre 10 Monate her #163587 von Helen Scozia
Helen Scozia antwortete auf Bruce Guthro Statement zum Runrig Abschied
Ach ja, dass Runrig keine Hitschreiber und gute Tänzer ;-) waren, hat wohl eher zur Langlebigkeit der Band beigetragen, denn wie viele Künstler leiden darunter, an immense Erfolge nicht anknüpfen zu können? Das zumindest war für Runrig nie ein Problem (na gut, vielleicht in finanzieller Hinsicht :lol:), aber ihre Fans hat das sicher nie gestört und die Band konnte sich einer treuen Fangemeinde sicher sein, selbst der Wechsel an Mitgliedern hat letztlich nicht geschadet, sondern neue Impulse gebracht und die Band mit der Zeit gehen lassen. Ich bin jedenfalls zutiefst dankbar für viele tolle Erfahrungen und Begegnungen, die ich durch Runrig hatte! :scotland
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Günni, OEdystopia, OldLockKeeper

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