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1 MG ALBA Scots Trad Music Awards 2020: Die Gewinner

4 Jahre 2 Monate her - 4 Jahre 2 Monate her #169975 von scoteire
Die Nominierten für die ALBA Scots Trad Music Awards 2020 stehen fest und können bis zum 15. November gewählt werden. Die Preisverleihung findet am 12. Dezember statt.

Unter den Nominierten einige bekannte Künstler, aber sicherlich auch für Euch interessante Neuentdeckungen:
Music Tutor of the Year

Rua MacMillan
Rachel Hair
Josie Duncan
Lauren MacColl
Corrina Hewat
Laura-Beth Salter
Louise (Mackenzie) Douglas

Gaelic Singer of the Year

Fionnag NicChoinnich (Fiona MacKenzie)
Joy Dunlop
Rachel Walker
Raymond Bremner

Album of The Year

All Is Not Forgotten by Siobhan Miller
Banjaxed by Ciaran Ryan
Bayview by Project Smoke
Eye of the Storm by Tide Lines
Light My Byre by Peat & Diesel
Shhh I’m on the phone by Innes Watson
Steall by Ewen Henderson
The Ledger by Gillian Frame, Findlay Napier and Mike Vass
The Roke by Ross Miller
The Woods by Hamish Napier

Up & Coming artist of the Year

Benedict Morris
Rebecca Hill
Malin Makes Music

Community Music Project of the Year

Campbell’s Ceilidh
Tunes in the Hoose
MacGregor’s Live at Five
Hands Up for Trad Strathspey and Reel Society
Covid Choir Workshops
Carry On Streamin
Comhairle Cèilidhs (Comhairle nan Eilean Siar)

Event of the Year Award

365 stories + Music (Aidan O’Rourke and James Robertson)
Virtual Edinburgh International Harp Festival
Fèis Rois Adult Feis Weekend Online
Tional Gaelic Online Music Festival
BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician Award 20th Anniversary Concert (Celtic Connections)
Coastal Connections (Celtic Connections)

Citty Finlayson Scots Singer of the Year

Siobhan Miller
Claire Hastings
Adam Holmes
Allan & Rosemary McMillan

Trad Video of the Year,

Erica’s by Balter
Calum Dan’s Transit Van by Peat & Diesel
Deep Dark Beast by Twelfth Day
Moorlough Shore by ELIR
Ceòl Mòr Style by Calum MacCrimmon
Taste the Rain by Tide Lines Choir

Online Performance of 2020

Sandy on Sunday Show (Sandy Brechin)
Live from The Lounge with Paul Anderson and Shona Donaldson
Pete Clark From The Shed
Tide Lines Virtual World Tour
Skerryvore Live Across The World
Duncan Chisholm’s #CovidCeilidh
Lomond Ceilidh Band’s The Daily Ceilidh

Original Work of the Year

The Woods by Hamish Napier
Everyday Heroes by Skerryvore
Graham Rorie – The Orcadians of Hudson Bay
Rachel Newton – To the Awe
Camhanaich (Dawn) by Mhairi Hall

Trad Music in the Media

Marie Martin – Box and Fiddle Magazine
Ewan Galloway and Derek Hamilton – RadioGH
Fiona McNeill – Celtic & Folk Fusions Radio Show
Sruth na Maoile (BBC Radio nan Gàidheal and RTÉ Raidió na Gaeltachta)
Anna Massie – Black Isle Correspondent

Musician of the Year
Tim Edey
Peter Wood
Anna Massie
Jenn Butterworth
Ailie Robertson
John Carmichael

zur Abstimmung:

Infos zur Preisverleihung:

In addition to the broadcast, during the day of the 12th December you will be able to watch live Scottish trad music from 1-9pm presented by Singer & Songwriter Findlay Napier, with confirmed artists including Kinnaris Quintet, Dallahan, Inyal, Paul McKenna Band, Ryan Young and Jenn Butterworth and many more on Hands Up For Trad’s Facebook.

Mehr Infos:
Letzte Änderung: 4 Jahre 2 Monate her von scoteire.

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  • corsa772
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  • Càrn Eige (1183 m SCO)
  • Càrn Eige (1183 m SCO)
4 Jahre 2 Monate her #169976 von corsa772
Die Qual der Wahl

Album of The Year
Eye of the Storm by Tide Lines
Light My Byre by Peat & Diesel

Ich habe beide aber Light My Brye macht mehr Spass :lol:

Trad Video of the Year
Calum Dan’s Transit Van by Peat & Diesel

Sollte P&D nicht erfolgreich sein gibt es ganz sicher diesen Trostpreis. :P

Online Performance of 2020
Tide Lines Virtual World Tour
Skerryvore Live Across The World
Duncan Chisholm’s #CovidCeilidh

Qual der Wahl, wen nehme ich? :?:

Original Work of the Year
Everyday Heroes by Skerryvore

Ich denke doch es kann hier nur einen Sieger geben. :-Y

Schön auch mal alles andere anzuhören, was man noch nicht kannte.

There must be a place
Under the sun
Where hearts of olden glory
Grow young

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  • Lady of Lochaber
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  • Slieve Foy (589 m IRL)
4 Jahre 1 Monat her - 4 Jahre 1 Monat her #170224 von Lady of Lochaber
And the Winner is:
Skerryvore hat den Preis für "Original Work of the Year"
mit "Everyday Heroes" bekommen.

... no way without you.
Letzte Änderung: 4 Jahre 1 Monat her von Lady of Lochaber.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: scoteire

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4 Jahre 1 Monat her - 4 Jahre 1 Monat her #170231 von scoteire

Lady of Lochaber schrieb: And the Winter is:
Skerryvore hat den Preis für "Original Work of the Year"
mit "Everyday Heroes" bekommen.

Super danke für die Info.

Hier die alle Gewinner, da habe ich ja noch was zu hören:

Album of The Year, sponsored by Birnam CD

The Woods by Hamish Napier

Original Work of the Year, sponsored by PRS for Music

Everyday Heroes by Skerryvore

Community Music Project of the Year, sponsored by Greentrax Recordings

Tunes in the Hoose

Event of the Year Award sponsored by VisitScotland

BBC Radio Scotland Young Traditional Musician Award 20th Anniversary Concert (Celtic Connections)

Gaelic Singer of the Year, sponsored by The Highland Society of London

Fionnag NicChoinnich (Fiona MacKenzie)

Musician of the Year, sponsored by the University of the Highlands and Islands

Tim Edey

Online Performance of 2020, sponsored by Gordon Duncan Memorial Trust

Duncan Chisholm’s Covid Ceilidh

Citty Finlayson Scots Singer of the Year, sponsored by Traditional Music and Song Association (TMSA), for artists singing in Scots language

Siobhan Miller

Trad Video of the Year, sponsored by Threads of Sound

Calum Dan’s Transit Van by Peat & Diesel

Trad Music in the Media, sponsored by Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

Anna Massie – Black Isle Correspondent

Up & Coming artist of the Year, sponsored by Royal Conservatoire of Scotland

Rebecca Hill

Music Tutor of the Year, sponsored by Creative Scotland’s Youth Music Initiative

Josie Duncan
Letzte Änderung: 4 Jahre 1 Monat her von scoteire.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Wolle, Lady of Lochaber

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