1 Recipes

  • ecosse
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  • Derry Cairngorm (1155 m SCO)
  • Derry Cairngorm (1155 m SCO)
17 Jahre 2 Monate her #54801 von ecosse
Recipes wurde erstellt von ecosse
Hi folks,
just thought about an English collection of recipes from all over the world.
I hope you'll like this idea.
So I will start with a famous Scottish one: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Winken" />



175g butter at room temperature
75g caster sugar
175g plain flour
75g fine semolina
icing (or caster) sugar for decoration


Pre-heat the oven to 150 degrees Centigrade , or gas 4.
Use a 20cm fluted tin or a shortbread mould.

First beat butter in a bowl with a wooden spoon to soften it, then beat in the sugar followed by sifted flour and semolina.
Work ingredients together with the spoon (not fingers yet!), pressing into the side of the bowl and finally quickly finish with your hands until the dough does not leave any bits in the bowl.
Transfer the dough to flat surface and roll out lightly to a round shape
(giving quarter turns as you roll it) and then transfer into a tin or mould.
Lightly press the mixture evenly into the tin right into the fluted edges (give it final roll with a glass tumbler to make sure, if you want to).
Finally you MUST prick it all over with a fork or it will rise when you bake it.
Bake for 1-1:25 hours on the centre shelf, then using palette knife to mark out the surface into twelve wedges while it's still warm (if in shortbread mould this is not necessary).
Leave to cool in tin, then remove it carefully (!), cut into wedges, dust with icing or caster sugar and store in an airtight tin.


Not all shortbread recipes have the semolina, so I suppose that, if you want, you can increase the amount of flour accordingly. You can also use margarine - but no-one seems to think this works so well.

[size=150:1klvge0r]Good speed!! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Winken" /> [/size:1klvge0r]

Tìoraidh an-dràsda! :wink: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Winken" />:wink:

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  • ecosse
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  • Derry Cairngorm (1155 m SCO)
  • Derry Cairngorm (1155 m SCO)
17 Jahre 2 Monate her #54802 von ecosse
ecosse antwortete auf Re: Recipes


225g self-raising flour (you can make it from 225g plain flour and 45g baking powder, just mix it , I tested it and it works)
40g butter or margarine at room temperature
1 1/2 tablespoons of caster sugar (i.e. fine sugar)
pinch of salt
150ml milk
a little extra flour


Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 7, 425° F, 220° C.
Use a baking sheet, greased.

Firstly, sift the fluor (or the mixture from flour and baking powder) into a bowl and rub the butter into it rapidly, using your fingertips.
Next, stir in the sugar and salt, then take a knife and use it to mix in the milk, little by little.
Now, put some flour on your hands and knead (mix like it was bread, but not too rough!) the mixture to a firm dough - adding some more milk if it seems too dry (not too much milk!!).
Turn the dough onto a floured pastry board and roll it to thickness of NOT LESS than 2cm, using a lightly floured rolling pin.
Take a 4-5cm pastry cutter (fluted or plain - even a glass will do), place it on the dough and tap sharply down (do not twist it or the scones will be a peculiar shape!).
Cut as many as you can, knead the dough bits together again and cut until you have used it all.
Place the scones on the greased baking sheet, dust each one with a little flour and bake near the top of the oven for 12-15 minutes.
When cooked, they should be a crisp golden-brown colour.
Eat them as fresh as possible as they go stale quite quickly.
They freeze well but still eat them within one month.

Eat them with butter, home-made jam or whipped cream and jam (you can eat them also with quark (curd cheese) and jam - mmhhmm yummie <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Winken" /> )

[size=200:2kohdmnq]Good speed!![/size:2kohdmnq]

Tìoraidh an-dràsda! :wink: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Winken" />:wink:

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  • ecosse
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  • Derry Cairngorm (1155 m SCO)
  • Derry Cairngorm (1155 m SCO)
17 Jahre 2 Monate her #54804 von ecosse
ecosse antwortete auf Re: Recipes
[size=150:3spd6kpe]Dundee cake[/size:3spd6kpe]


50g butter at room temperature
150g caster sugar (very fine sugar)
3 large eggs
225g plain flour (sifted)
1 Tablespoon baking powder
milk (if necessary)
175g currants
175g sultanas
50g glacè cherries (rinsed, dried and cut into halves)
50g whole candied fruit peel (finely chopped)
2 tablespoons ground almonds
grated rinds of 1 small orange and 1 small lemon
50g whole, blanched almonds


Pre-heat the oven to gas mark 3, 325°F or 170°C.
Use a 18-20cm round tin, greased and lied with greaseproof paper.
Put the butter and sugar into a mixing bowl and beat with a wooden spoon until light and fluffy (an electric mixer will do this more quickly).
Whisk the eggs seperately, then, a little at a time, carefully "fold" into the flour and baking powder. The mixture needs to be a good, soft consistancy and so, it it seems to dry, add a dessertspoon of milk.
Now carefully fold in the currants, sultanas, cherries, mixed peel, ground almonds and orange/lemon rinds. Then spoon the mixture into the prepared tin, smoothing it evenly with the back of the spoon.
Arange the whole almonds in circles on the top of the cake but do nit press them in too hard (or they will sink during baking)
Place the cake into the centre of the oven and bake 2-2 1/2 hours or untol soft but quite firm and "springy" to touch.
Let it cool before removing from the tin.
Keep in airtight tin.

[size=150:3spd6kpe]Good speed!! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Winken" /> [/size:3spd6kpe]

Tìoraidh an-dràsda! :wink: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Winken" />:wink:

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  • ecosse
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  • Derry Cairngorm (1155 m SCO)
  • Derry Cairngorm (1155 m SCO)
17 Jahre 2 Monate her #54806 von ecosse
ecosse antwortete auf Re: Recipes
[size=150:1pdjzba6]German beef roulades:[/size:1pdjzba6]


4 big, thin slices of beef flank steaks
some red vine
some cornflour
instant stock


Season the meet slices from both sides with pepper and salt. Brush them inside with the mustard. Then put a slice of bacon, 2 slices of gherkins and chopped onions on it.
Roll the meet together but take care that the filling doesn’t come out.
Lock the roulade by using a string or a skewer from wood or metal.
After preparing the roulades this way brush them with a little mustard and put them into a high pot in which you have heated oil or margarine before.
Sear them from all sides, give a good shot of red vine into the pot let it boil and then turn the temperature down. Put now chopped celery, carrots and onions to the roulades into the pot and let it simmer for 2-3 hours in the closed pot. Look from time to time after the liquid and refill it with some water and turn the meet. After the meet is cooked fetch it out of the pot.
Now you can make the sauce. You can mix the vegetable in the sauce by using a hand blender or you can sieve the gravy. Whatever you make, after doing it, boil up the liquid, thicken it with a little cornflour (it is easier to mix some cornflour with cold water to avoid clods)
just so much till it gets the texture you prefer. Then season to taste with salt, pepper and a little instant stock.
You can eat the roulades with boiled potatoes or potato dumplings and various warm vegetables or salad.
A nice dish when you have company because you can prepare everything.
They freeze well.
If there is some sauce left, you can serve this the next day with pasta and fried eggs. Or take a slice of bread, butter it, put a slice of cheese and ham and a fried egg on it and cover this all with the hot sauce.

[size=150:1pdjzba6]Good speed and enjoy your meal!! <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Winken" /> [/size:1pdjzba6]

Tìoraidh an-dràsda! :wink: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Winken" />:wink:

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  • GunChleoc
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  • Hungry Hill (686 m IRL)
  • Hungry Hill (686 m IRL)
17 Jahre 2 Monate her #54810 von GunChleoc
GunChleoc antwortete auf Re: Recipes
The ultimate tablet recipe... I'm linking it up, because there's lots of pictures in it, and you're going to need them!

[url=http&#58;//scruss&#46;com/tablet&#46;html:dnabv8rv]How to make Tablet[/url:dnabv8rv]

Lethally yummy! [img:dnabv8rv]http&#58;//www&#46;noclockthing&#46;de/img/icons/Yummy&#46;gif[/img:dnabv8rv][/url]

Thalla 's cagainn Brus

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Fòram na Gàidhlig

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  • ecosse
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  • Derry Cairngorm (1155 m SCO)
  • Derry Cairngorm (1155 m SCO)
17 Jahre 2 Monate her #54826 von ecosse
ecosse antwortete auf Re: Recipes
[size=150:2u4rmwyl]the easy chocolate cake

250g Butter
2 small cups of caster sugar
2 piled table spoons cocoa (no instant)
some water

2 small cups of wheat flour
4 eggs
15g baking powder
a pinch of salt
some vanilla sugar (15-20g)

Put the butter into a cooking pot put the pot on the oven and let the butter melt with low temperature
After melting take the pot from the oven and put 2 cups of sugar, the cocoa powder and a littele bit of water into the melted butter. Now put the other ingredients into the butter and whisk it to a creamy texture.
Then put it into a greased spring form and pop it into the middle of the preheated oven at 170-180°C/gasmark 3-4 for nearly one hour.

After cooling down you can eat it with whipped cream or just pure.
It can also be used sliced in thirds for different fillings, like whipped cream, butter cream, marmalade or Jam (if you want to have a kind of Sacher-Torte just slice it into two slices and fill it with cooked and strained apricot jam, cover it with chocolate icing and eat it with whipped cream) etc.
GOOD SPEED <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Winken" /> [/size:2u4rmwyl]

Tìoraidh an-dràsda! :wink: <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Winken" />:wink:

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